Sunday, April 30, 2023

Recycled Fence Board Boxes

Today I went through some piles of old fence boards and selected Some that I thought would work well for boxes. By cutting off the ends of the boards it will get rid of any damaged areas and they will fit nicely together. I plan on using pine garden stakes to secure them into place. This is nothing fancy but it saves a lot of money and it will work for what I have in mind for the garden. 

I thought that it would be a nice touch to add an after photograph below of the area to show the results of my project. 

Morning Chores

 As the seedlings are growing into larger healthier plants now, they are also requiring more water and I am checking them more frequently for disease and any other issues. With warmer days and fans blowing on them all day and night they tend to dry up faster as well. This year I tried something new and added some vermiculite to my seed mixture and this has helped hold moisture levels and they aren’t requiring as much water. This makes things so much better as it frees up my time to spend more on garden prep work.


Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Preparing for New Flower Boxes


Today I spent the day clearing away the area for the new boxes that I will be adding to the perimeter along the fence line. The wood chips that were left after tree cutting really cut back on the weed work that I originally planned for so I decided that I will rake out the rest of the shavings and spread them around to keep the weeds more controlled and it will also add some nice cushion to the pathways.

Winter Gardening indoors with Hydropics

Hello! it’s been awhile since I’ve posted. Ive been very busy with many projects and as always, it was extremely hard for me to part with th...