Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Harvesting Valarian Root
Monday, November 18, 2024
2024 Tomato Harvest
This summer I planned on growing just a few tomato plants that I really love. But somehow a few that I love, turned into over 20+ tomato plants along the fence line mixed in with the flowers. Some new ones that I wanted to try and of course the usual favorites from last season. This has become a new process for me since I am so limited with space in the garden boxes I decided that if I plant one or two and then a flower and then a couple more and then another flower that it is technically not taking up space but sharing the space and they should both benefit from that. The flowers will attract the bees to further aid in pollination of the fruit and visa versa. I also decided that in doing this that Im not really taking up space and if they survive, it was meant to be. I also prepare for loss of new tender plants by over planting but I think this time almost everything survived.
The summer of 2023, I planted 12 San Marzano tomato plants in the large 4x6 raised bed and they were amazing but I had an over abundance of them that didn’t ripen until fall and I sort of felt overwhelmed when I wasn’t able to use them all to make sauces like I intended on early in summer. Instead I harvested them later in the season and only made a few batches and froze the rest of them whole. I skipped the San Marzano this year and stuck to my favorites which have always been the sweet cherry types and the heirloom variety that I can just eat right off the vine. My favorite out of all the heirlooms that I’ve grown so far is Paul Robeson. It has amazing flavor and so meaty and I love that in this tomato!! I love the marbling inside these tomatoes and the colors and textures are so stunning. One tomato that seems to always amaze me is the pineapple tomato. I don’t even remember planting that many this spring but I must have because I had so many of them. And they were not little, they were very large and looked like little pumpkins which were fun giving away and sharing with friends.
For the 2025 garden I may not grow the pineapple again, but if I do I will try and only grow one or two plants. I do love having a huge variety of tomatoes. The colors are so beautiful!

Sunday, November 17, 2024
Harvesting Dahila Seeds
This is my second year growing Dahlias and I have learned so much, especially this year. After purchasing my first Dahlia tubers in spring of 2023, I knew very little about this flower. This is now my second season growing them so after learning so much about them I decided that I would try harvesting my own seeds from the Dahlias seed pods that I collected this current season 2024.
Over this two year period I have read so many of other people’s experiences and watched so many “how to’s” that I finally am feeling like I’m getting it, and also getting hooked too.
When I first started growing these flowers it seemed very complicated but in just one year I feel like the knowledge I have now has made me feel so much more confident as a grower.
I am most excited to try growing some new varieties and hopefully develop some really beautiful new flowers of my own. This summer I was really surprised by the dahlias that I grew from seed last year 2023. When I saw how beautiful they were, I suddenly had a new respect and love for this flower because of the unique opportunity to produce something new and one of a kind.

Winter Gardening indoors with Hydropics
Hello! it’s been awhile since I’ve posted. Ive been very busy with many projects and as always, it was extremely hard for me to part with th...
Last night after work all I wanted to do was lay in the grass and relax in the garden and enjoy the sunset. I was so focused on how nice it ...
For the new spring garden I have been collecting some new varieties of flower seeds and vegetables to try. Varieties that I have never grow...
This is such a cool thing that I discovered last summer in the zinnia flowers! Based right at the intersection of the leaf and the stem I fo...