Saturday, November 25, 2023

Holiday Projects

During this time of the year I enjoy making handmade gifts and it really varies as to what I might make. When Im not able to work out in the garden I find other things to do, so I really stay busy. This year I am learning to macrame which I am finding is much harder than I imagined. I am going to keep at it and hope that I improve. I have also begun making some crochet hats as well and realizing that I only know the simple stitches and I would really like to learn some new stitches that involve more of a knitted look. Currently I am making hats that involve just the single crochet and half double crochet. The reason for this, is that it is very simple and I can make a hat really fast with those stitches but the downfall is that I am not pushing myself to learn the things that I would really feel most accomplished in creating. This is something I will be working on as I am more attracted to the more delicate designs.  

I decided that I will be making more paper stars this year as well. They are beautiful and very inexpensive to make. They make great gifts to hang on the outside of packages or just individually. I like to make several of them in different sizes so they can be enjoyed hanging in groups. I have several hanging from my ceiling and I just love them. I made them from a brown paper stock last year but they can be made in many colors. I have a new idea that I am trying in the next few days which I will share when they are completed. I am planning on using the insides of some paper tea boxes by Yogi tea and see how that works. I drink a lot of Yogi teas and have been collecting the boxes for a purpose. The inside designs are so unique and I’ve always thought it would be fun to make something out of them. I think some paper stars would be the perfect project to try it with. Hopefully some pictures will be posted soon :)

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