Saturday, December 9, 2023

Sunflower seed harvesting

This past year I decided to grow some new varieties of sunflower and the Valentine variety turned out to be my most favorite. They were amazing in all of the flower arrangements that I threw together. Even by themselves they looked beautiful. 

I made sure to harvest the seeds from these as I plan on growing more next year. I learned a few things about collecting the seeds and making it much easier to clean than previous years. I decided to cut all the sharp pokey edges off first so that when they dried, they were easier on the hands once these are completely dried up. After they are dried, I just popped out the seeds using a sharp tool and then labeled and stored them for next year.

For growing placement this year, I added a few of the plants in the corners of the vegetable and flower beds just to see what would happen. I really had no idea how tall they would get but they were perfect size in the flower beds only reaching about 4 feet tall. I like to intermix flowers among the vegetables as it attracts more of the beneficial insects to the garden and also helps with pollination and just looks amazing having flowers spill out of the edges of the boxes.

It’s interesting because the sunflowers that I planted along the fenceline turned out to be much taller than the ones that I planted in the raised beds and were about 2 feet taller. Im not sure why that was. Maybe the larger plants were able to get more nutrients along the fence as they had tons of native soil to grow into. Sounds like that could be a possibility. It’s a pretty good guess. I posted a short video of my sunflower seed harvest below, starting in September and I continued harvesting the sunflower heads into October.

September 2,

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