Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Sleeping Bumblebees

With all the new flowers that were blooming last spring, there was also a ton of buzzing among them. I was watering the hollyhocks one afternoon and discovered this bumblebee sleeping in one of them. I grabbed my camera and took a quick video before he flew away. But he never flew away and remained in that flower. As I began to look around I noticed there were others bees in the flowers as well and they all seemed to be sleeping. So I had to look up online to see what I could find and if they do really sleep in flowers. Come to find out, they really do sleep in flowers! I feel so fortunate to have been able to have witness this. Having a garden has taught me so much and I love that it also provides the wildlife with shelter when they need it.  Click on the video below to see the sleepy bumblebee in the hollyhock. Listen closely and you can hear the bees buzzing in the background. The hollyhock variety is called Indian Spring Mix and this is the second year growing these. I started the seedlings indoors in the spring of 2022.

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