Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Pretty June Blooms

I am so happy to see these ranunculus  blooming, it’s been hot but they are still coming up slowly. When I planted them I didn’t put them in any order so whatever shows up is a surprise! I planted these on April 20 which was a little late but we still had so much cold weather and since this is only the second time I’ve planted them, I wanted to be on the safe end and wait.  I’ve included a couple pictures of what the corms looked like after pre sprouting them. I had to toss a few of them in the trash that didn’t pass the pre-sprouting test but still there was plenty left over to plant. I am pleasantly surprised at the few blooms that I have. Right next to these I have some California poppies budding, so hopefully I will have a few more pictures to share with you very soon. 

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