Sunday, May 7, 2023

Getting Closer

For the past several months I have been taking care of all these seedling in my tiny apartment just off of my kitchen and today I noticed that there has been an explosion in their growth and it’s so exciting. They will be ready in a couple of weeks to be planted out, but for now they are still hanging out on these shelves in my kitchen. Soon there will be no more tripping over packets of seeds and bags of dirt and I will have this space back to use for other things. But more importantly the garden will finally start coming to life.

This afternoon I spent a few hours working some compost into the top several inches of the garden boxes and watered them in a bit. Again I did a walk around the yard checking out the plants that made it over the winter and I feel so very grateful that so many of them will not need to be replaced. I tried to stick with perennials that I knew would do well in zone 6b that I am in. Several of my favorites are unfortunately annuals and will need to be replanted. Tomorrow I will continue to work outside, it should be nice around 57 for high.

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