Saturday, March 30, 2024

First starts of the season 2024

It’s been raining all day, snowed a little last night and Ive just been feeling like hanging out at home organizing my seeds and did some planting inside today. Its now about 7 weeks before the season starts and hopefully the last frost. It’s time for me to get more serious about the placement of where I am planting things. I worked on my garden map last night and made some progress on that. The onions that I planted inside in February are looking great! This is my first time growing onions. The variety that Im growing is from Eden Brothers and are Red Carpet and also Yellow Sweet Spanish. I am not sure about how well they will do here in Nevada as they are considered a Long Day variety and need at least 14-16 hrs of sunlight and usually do best in northern regions that are zone 6 and colder. I am zone 6 and I believe we get 15 hours of daylight but I am not certain. I am just going to try them and hope for the best.

I decided to start the onions inside early to get a head start.This will also be my first time growing potatoes and I plan on growing them as companions in the same garden box so hopefully they do well together. 

Look at these baby snapdragons!! They are doing so well, The ones that are pictured closest to the camera are an orange bronze variety that are from seeds that I harvested in the fall. I am excited that they are growing. 

The seedling that are furthest away are new ones that I just purchased from Eden Brothers called Passion Red Mix. I could not resist these, they are hopefully going to be as vibrant as their photos showed.

Since my snapdragons did so well last year even in the heat of the summer, I wanted to expand on my color varieties for this year and grow much more.

Also an update on my Lisianthus that I started in January, (pictured to the left) they are doing great also. I transplanted them into cups so I can use the trays for other seed starts since I am very limited with space in my little apartment. I will keep them in these until they are ready to plant out in May.

More things that I planted today were some Dahlia seeds that I collected in the fall from some plants that I grew from seeds last spring. It was my first time growing Dahlias and also collecting the seed pods so I am excited to see if they come out looking close to the last flower or if they look completely different. These flowers are so interesting, as Ive read that seeds will always be different than the mother plant depending on how they are pollinated.  

Other seeds that started today are orange marigolds, some Cleome, Bells Of Ireland, Green Ammi and Dara. Pictured below

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