Thursday, September 5, 2024

Bachelor Buttons

 I love Bachelor Buttons because they are so easy to grow. This year they all completely self seeded from last years flowers so it made things a little easier for me, I just left the ones that I wanted to grow in the ground and pulled the ones that I didn’t. There was something fun to this as it added a little sense of surprise because I wasn’t sure which color they’d be. I had about 5 different colors last year, with blue being my favorite! 

I love the natural meadow look that this flower provides and makes the rest of the garden flower pop. It is very attractive to Butterflies, and the bees just adore them. This is so important to have flowers that attract the pollinators. I believe the more variety flowers,the better! This is great for attracting more beneficial insects to the garden as well, which is important for natural pest control. I don’t believe in using chemicals in my garden so I heavily rely on nature to do this magical work for me! 


In order to keep this flower blooming and looking tidy, you will need to deadhead frequently, otherwise it will go to seed fairly quickly like you see in the photos above.

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