Friday, September 6, 2024

Growing Celery - Summer 2023

 This was my first time growing celery and from what I’ve read, people have mentioned it’s a hard crop to grow. I felt slightly intimidated by this but I tried it anyways and surprisingly I didn’t find it too difficult, I just found that they took awhile to grow. They turned out beautiful. I may have planted too many, but I always do that, not knowing what will survive and what won’t I always plant more than I think I might need. Every single one survived so I had a ton of celery. I think that they were a little dry and lacking in water content but that was the biggest compliant. Other than that, they were wonderful. If planting them again I will only plant maybe 6 plants as I planted every seed that germinated so I had close to 12 plants which was too much! 

I don’t really use celery for cooking too much. I mainly grew them because I wanted to use them for juicing, but I don’t even own a juicer and didn't get around to buying one yet! 😊 

This is what I used my celery for. Some refreshing infused flavored water just like you find at the spa. 

I bought this beautiful large glass pitcher so that I can enjoy making this at home. 
You can use any combination of fresh ingredients that you like and fill with water and add ice as desired. Infuse for at least thirty minutes to let flavors emerge. I left mine overnight but you should not leave longer than that and should be enjoyed right away.  

As always most of the food that I grow here goes to my friend but there are many crops that I grow that he won’t eat so it balances out and we both get the things we love and share what we grow quite a bit.

I make sure to always grow his favorite things, so we can both have fresh food we enjoy. There are not many vegetables that I won’t eat. I pretty much will eat everything that I grow. I’m not too picky and love anything fresh from the garden! For some fresh cucumber, lemon and celery infused yummy water this is all you will need. 


A large glass pitcher and filtered water

2-3 slices cucumber, long and thin strips

A half stalk of celery, cut in half lengthwise

1 large slice of lemon

You can always adjust the amounts according to your taste πŸ‹πŸ₯’πŸ₯’

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