Thursday, June 20, 2024

First Lettuce Harvest


It is currently the middle of June and I am beginning to harvesting my first lettuce. Last year the first harvest was June 4, so these are about a week apart in harvesting time. The weather was much cooler last year in comparison and I think I had an earlier start as well. These were slow this year but things seem to be picking up speed now. I am really bummed because tonight I went out to check on my squash and they are all completely black and dried up from the dip in temperatures last night. It was down to low of 37 degrees and they dont look good today. I was completely unprepared for that. I did cover them up tonight with the hopes that they might spring back but I may have to resort to some store bought plants to fill in what was lost. We may have one more night of colder temps and them back up again. 

The picture here shows the growth stage that they are currently at. They are just large enough now to begin to collect the outside edges for a nice mix of greens. The red fire mix has some really nice leaf growth now and they are a nice size. The dill plants are getting bigger and the Kale is doing well too. The one plant that didn’t germinate for me is the spinach.

This will be the second year that I have tried growing Spinach and haven’t had any success. Maybe it doesn’t do well in my climate, I am not sure. I will need to look more into the reasons they may have failed. 

I posted a video on the planting of the lettuces here

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