Sunday, October 8, 2023

Beets & Carrots

This was my first time growing carrots and they were very slow to get started but like all the other things I was doing for the first time I just imagined it was going to take some patience. They were so tiny at first and as silly as it may sound, I really didn’t understand how they were suppose to look. That is where  began looking online for tips and found information on how to thin them and when to harvest etc. 
I harvested the first half of them on August 29 and decided to harvest the rest on Sept 16 and they were so beautiful. My favorites are the purple ones with the orange centers just because visually they look so pretty. I will defiantly grow them again and next time I will need to buy a large bag. I think that this time it was a variety pack and only a few purples ones were in the mix, along with a couple yellow and white.
So beautiful and delicious!! So many carrots it was fun and makes me happy.

I was really excited about growing beets as well. Just like the carrots I wondered how they were ever going to get big enough. But they did! And they were really good. I don’t think I needed as many as I grew though, I did give many of them away to friends as I am the only one who likes them around here.

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