Friday, October 6, 2023

Volunteer sunflowers

It amazes me that a volunteer sunflower seed can create such a wonderful display. I did not have to plant these, They just popped up and I let them do their thing. Along the fenceline it was beautiful but in the lettuce box there was a small sunflower seedling that popped up and I thought how cute it is, maybe I will just let it grow and maybe it will make some shade for my lettuces later. Little did I know that it was going to be a monster! This thing was huge and no idea where the seed came from. I don’t remember ever planting something this big. However I did let it grow, I don’t know why I didn’t pick it. It got so big that I had to stake it with a 2 inch diameter bamboo stake. I had to use a hammer and stand up on a ladder to reach it. Next time I wont let it grow. The other volunteer sunflowers were along the fenceline and those were gorgeous. I got some dramatic pictures of them at night. Down the fence a little is a grouping of more black eyed Susan’s and also I planted more morning glories that trailed up this wire trellis. To the right of these start the fence line of cosmos with the first one being the white double puff cosmos.
This first picture is taken along the north fenceline area of the rock garden. 
The lettuce boxes are the the left of this picture.

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