Friday, October 6, 2023

North Perennial Garden 2023

This is another perennial garden that faces the north side of the house and is opposite the perennial rock garden. This entire area feels like a giant room to me, especially when you’re sitting in the middle of both of them surrounded on both sides. I started this garden from seed in 2022. It took me a whole year to get to the back garden and plan for that one since there was so much work to do in preparation for it, But now that both perennial gardens are finished and are doing very well, I can focus on the rest of the yard and keep working my way around. I have always wanted to grow a lot of flowers and this was a fun project for me.

The newest plants in this perennial garden below are hostas. The echinacea came back more amazing than ever. I planted them from seed last year and no blooms, But this year.. wow!!! I am so happy with them. I am hoping that next year they continue to grow bigger. Some other plants in this area are Shasta Daisies, Marguerite Daisies, Hummingbird mint, grandpa ott morning glories, Lamb ears, creeping thyme, Colorado Yarrow, Ageratum, Lavender, Jupiter’s beard, Mexican hats, Black eyed Susan. I planted some new plants of Edelweiss that was gifted from my daughter in Germany. I am hoping that it lives through the winter. I may find a different spot for them as they seem to not like the sandy soil as much and need some moisture than I’ve been giving it. Maybe it’s not so drought tolerant as the others in this area.

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