Monday, October 9, 2023

Dream Cutting Garden

I never imagined that I could create a cutting garden like this and it would bring such a feeling of beauty and peace to our lives. When I began planning this cutting garden in 2022, I decided that I wanted to grow flowers that were best for fresh cut flowers in vases so that I could give them away to my friends and be able to fill up vases much better than the previous year. Almost all of the flowers that are in the new garden are varieties that I’ve never grown before, with the exception of Cosmos, sunflowers strawflowers and Zinnia. Everything else is new to me and this turned out to be a dream! I could not be happier!

Since this a fairly new blog, you will not find many posts here, but I did try and catch up for the whole summer by posting many of the top happenings with my project all in the month of October so there will be many posts for October when searching the archives. These could be anything from the starting thoughts of the garden and all the manual work that I did to make it to this point. Thank you for visiting my blog and Happy Gardening!

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