Saturday, October 21, 2023

Planting Fall Bulbs

This is a very busy weekend with plans to dig up my larger Dahlia tubers and store them today. Yesterday I planted about 100 bulbs for spring in a mixture of many colorful tulips as well as some peony variety tulips and a unique mix of daffodils along the fence in the picture below. This is my first time planting bulbs so I am hoping that I did everything right. It was easier to plant them than I thought though and glad that it is done. Something else that I did was to dig up two dahlias that I planted from seed in the spring and they actually have little tubers so I am excited about that as well. I don’t know if I did this right but I did experiment with dividing the two and now I have six new plants. I am hoping that they survive and don’t shrivel us because they are pretty tiny. Today I will be digging up the other Dahlias that I have. I  actually a little nervous about it as I have never done it before.

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