Friday, October 6, 2023

Perennial Rock Garden

The perennial rock garden continues to amaze me, the way it came back so strong even after so many freezing nights and being buried underneath the snowfall. It came back stronger than ever this year, the first blooms were the blue flax and lamb ears along with English Thyme, followed by yellow Marguerite daisies and then valerian root. This whole garden just does so well all the way to fall. Currently it’s October and the Colorado Yarrow and the Salvia are the most colorful. 

I created this garden one day by accident in 2022 while looking for ways of being creative without spending money. I wandered the property and found some rocks and decided to make a shape using the rocks as an outline and filling the inside area with perennials to make it more of a drought tolerant garden. I posted some before and after pictures below of the area after I weeded the area and then you see the first few red brick I layed down just for a general idea of the area I was going to work with. 

I first planted creeping thyme around the edges along with English Thyme and one of my old favorites Lamb Ears and then a new one called Rose Campion which is special since this seed was a birthday gift from my son several years ago. I planted one here and another one in the opposite perennial garden which you will see in another post to follow this one.

Along this fence line I planted some Indian Spring Hollyhocks and these came back twice this year. Once they flowered and started to fade so I cut them back and then they came back again for a second bloom. The bumblebees just loved the hollyhocks and I found many of them sleeping in the flowers. I will post a video of a sleeping bumblee  below.

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