Friday, October 6, 2023

Crazy weather

The day that I started planting outside was May 18th, I did not harden anything off like I should have, I was so short on time and anxious to get it all done so I did a little each day and I left the plants outside sheltered but under the partial sun and continued to work planting everything out in until May 23. During this time the weather was so strange, we had lots of rain which was good for the plants but then we had hail storms which destroyed my sunflower seedlings and a few cosmo plants, so my solution was to just start direct sowing sunflower seeds in a lot of areas that were empty. I over seeded just in case. Better to have more and I could always thin them out later. Plus I love sunflowers! The dahlias didn’t seem too affected by the hail, however I did create a cover for them just in case. Here is a video below this post of the hail that hit right after I planted everything out and a few pictures of the new seedlings in place right before the hail came.

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