Friday, October 6, 2023

Lots of Rain

The rains continued early spring, we got so much rain and it was cool for several weeks, this really was a blessing as it allowed the seedling to all take root and strengthened the entire garden. The only negative was the hail that came with it. It was a stressful day as I was sure I would lose everything that I worked hard for. After the hail came through I inspected the damage it made to the lettuce and I was so surprised that most of the lettuce survived. A lot of the leaves were torn but a lot of it was good. I took what I could from it, this was my first lettuce harvest and was so exciting. We continued to get lots of lettuce but the one thing that I wish I would have done differently is to plant in succession every few weeks as by the time the end of July got here the lettuce started to bolt. I planted more lettuce, but not until middle of August and right now we are in October they are still really little. 

After the rains passed the sun finally came out and it was beautiful and warm and the flowers in the front perennial garden were loaded with bumble bees and other beneficial insects. It was just amazing to see all of the flowers blooming all the while the back garden was just being newly planted and it would be awhile before we saw flowers, it was a joy that the front garden had flowers already. Below I have posted some of the first blooms to open along with a short video of a bumblebee on top of the flowering Valarian root. These pictures were all taken from the front perennial rock garden. In the next post I will share some before and after pictures of this garden when I first created it in 2022. It took a full season for the plants to really fill in this spot and I added some yellow coreopsis and also plated some purple allium bulbs in this spot for next spring 2024. The last photograph in this post shows the open spot I added the alliums to. You can also see the coreopsis which only has green leaves now as this will not bloom unit next spring as well.

       This is the spot I planted the purple Allium about a week ago(above).
 They should pop up in spring of 2024 if I did it right.
Along the fence in the background of this picture is where the volunteer sunflowers once were. I pulled them out and will be trying spring bulbs in this area. I’ve never planted bulbs before. I did go a little overboard with how many bulbs I bought, but I am so excited.
 I can’t wait to be able to put tulips in a vase.

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