Monday, October 23, 2023

Inspiration from the Garden

While organizing my art space, I found this unfinished garden wall hanging that I started in 2005. The concept of this was to use some recycled elements, and I chose recycled dryer sheets which I washed and dyed with paints and cut them into shapes and fused them to a fabric base with an iron. I did some machine sewing using random patterns in the background and helping affix all the materials together, adding dimension and started to attach glass beads in some areas, along with some heavier embroidery thread that I used to make more details in the flower centers. Once I get to feeling creative again, I might be inspired to complete this now since it really makes me think of the garden space that I created this summer. It’s almost a glimpse into my future back then if I really think about it. All of the sunflowers, zinnia and Dahlias that grew this year are magically in this painting. 

Many years ago I belonged to a local art quilting group and one of my favorite things that we did was to challenge each other to complete projects and had a mind set of anything goes where there were no rules and that is how I discovered this unusual technique as I was challenging myself to do something different and just have fun and play experimenting with different mediums. I felt that I was always the odd one in the group because I used a lot of non traditional fabrics and leather. I enjoyed also belonging to a group that used traditional fabrics as well since it held me to see both sides and helped me with my confidence in trying something new.

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