Saturday, October 7, 2023

First Dahlia Blooms

I wasn’t sure what to expect from these new flowers or if they were going to grow, I’ve read that they are super picky about soil and they could be prone to rotting if overwatering and I was just taking the chance with them in hopes that they would like it here. During all of the rains the leaves did get a little spotted and one plant even shriveled up and lost almost all of its leaves but it bounced back. I was just really careful when watering to not spray the leaves and let the drips do most of the work. I never let the soil dry up and kept them moist but not soggy. My soil has a lot of sand in it so maybe that helped, I am not sure but they did like it here.

I am very impressed by these flowers and will definately grow them again. I am impressed with how hardy they are and how long the blooms last. They have a look of perfection that no other flower has. I gave so many of these away to my friends and coworkers and they were always a favorite. I also gave a nice bouquet to my friend for her bridal shower and she received a lot of compliments. These flowers are totally worth growing!! The one flower out of all of them that impressed people the most was the yellow dinner plate dahlia. I don’t remember it being in the item description when I ordered the mix so it was a real surprise. 

I am not sure how I am going to store the tubers since our temps here get really cold and a garage is not an option. It will be interesting to see if they survive the winter inside where I plan on keeping them. But these were really worth the money I paid to try them and I hope that when I dig them up following the first frost that the tubers are easy to deal with. I am sure that I will post something here on my blog when it comes time to do that and I will write about my experience.

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